Back neck and shoulder massage.
An ideal treatment to alleviate life’s stresses and strains. A firm massage using almond oil or cream. (30 minutes). Massage is beneficial to the body’s well being, helps to stimulate the circulation, increase lymphatic drainage system which is responsible for getting rid of waste products and the toxins the body produces. Aching muscles from over use and tension can be erased by gentle massage.
Full Body Massage
Full body massage includes back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs using almond oil or Body Cream if preferred. (60 Minutes).
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage using the ‘Hydrotherm System’; an ingenious warm water filled mattress, you lie on your back for the massage. Intrigued? Come and let me show you how wonderful it is to ease back ache during Pregnancy.
Total Body Exfoliating
Total body exfoliating with a one hour massage using Guinot Body Products.
Back Exfoliating and Mask
(30 minutes) it’s exactly what it says!
Back Hydradermie
A deep cleansing, deep nourishing treatment using Guinot Products, (one and a quarter hours).